Streaming Consulting

Streaming Consulting

Live Stream Assistance

“If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.” While new ways to live stream are rapidly becoming more readily available, most are not geared for professional level productions. It is relatively easy to use a mobile phone to stream Facebook and YouTube, but when you want to insert animated graphics, pre-recorded content, run replays and have the best possible audio and video quality, the level of equipment and expertise to run it rises exponentially.

High Streaming Quality

We strive to provide you with professional quality output to the platform of your choice while maintaining reasonable costs. We have the experience to understand not just the inputs and outputs but how to stream at a level that is high in quality and is viewable to the majority of people independent of their device or network connection. There is a fine balance to be had between streaming at such a high rate where most people couldn’t watch it and doing a very low-quality stream and degrading the end user experience with poor image and audio quality. We have the experience of streaming thousands of hours of content to guide you in the process. We can assist you with your own gear or help design a complete solution.
video camera
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